Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Laugh a bit


護士: 你太瘦了!
我: 如果喺香港,我算肥㗎!
護士: 98磅點可能算係肥?... 咦,你矮咗喎。
我: WHAT? (我當時的反應好大) 咩話,成1吋?唔喺嘛?無可能。(=.=)"

More and more people have asked me the same questions:
Q: Do you like girls or guys?
A: Isn't it too obvious to ask?
Q: Nothing is too obvious in New York City.
A: If you have any girlfriend who are interested in me, I am sorry. I am only attracted to guys.
Q: Are you currently dating? casually dating or serious dating?
A: Why are you asking me more and more questions as if you don't even know me.
Q: Yes. I've known you enough, but still need to verify it with you.
A: ... (to be cont. ^,^)


