Tuesday, August 26, 2008



Doughnut Plant 是間不起眼的小店,專售甜甜圈,亦是方形甜甜圈的始祖。這間店地方不大,只有兩張椅子,裝修跟以前差不多。雖然今日可以在部分Dean & Deluca 買到它的doughnuts,很多人仍然會慕名而來,而我就是其中一個。


Here are White Peach (round) & Strawberry jelly (square) doughnuts:

The Sweet Life. a candy store.

I thought this store would have been closed, but I am glad that it is not.

Babycakes 是近兩三年開設的另一間小店,專售以spelt 和 gulten free 的cupcakes。

This is my spelt lemon cupcake.

走訪Il Laboratorio del Gelato途中遇見一班遊客在雪糕店旁的博物館參觀。(but I kept thinking that the museum has changed so much... it was not on that street, that building before. Maybe it has renovated... and moved to another location nearby... but why?)

By the way, are you a fan of pastrami? If yes, then you should go to Katz's Delicatessen on Houston Street. This time I only passed by it.


As my "Olympics fever" began to fade, I became ill... a real one just hit me right at my head...
now it's over. (smile)

Oh! I am going to have a 4-day long weekend. Woo-hoo! Should I burn myself out or do something relaxing? How about going on a road trip?

等待... 新的 schedule... 如果時間多了,我應該找兼職嗎?學車?學跳舞?進修日文?還是要為跳糟作準備?What do you think?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Olympics Heat


自奧運開幕以來,我每晚都做貓頭鷹,待在電視機前至三更半夜,所以早上要多喝茶caffeinate下自己。休假日,起床時已是日上三竿。之後又寧願做couch potato,連單車都無踩 (but I'll be back on my routine really soon) 。但又因發現球拍積了塵,所以要作小掃除。(Yea, it has been a while since I last used them. ha.)

我自問對體育並不瘋狂,但今年奧運的爆冷賽果和Michael Phelps的八金佳績果真很有意思。

Saturday, August 9, 2008


08.08.08 (初八) is all about the Olympics and China.

Instead of giving us some highlights of the Opening Ceremony in the morning LIVE, NBC was giving a workshop on Chinese culture, so I had to watch the 4-hour ceremony rerun at night. I rarely finished watching the entire ceremony in the past, but this one was totally awesome!

China + "2008" =?
>>man-power + symbolic creativity<<

When I first heard, "2008 drummers," I was like "woo!"
Later, when I heard "2008" martial art/ Tai Chi performers, I was like "2008? again?" Oh, don't get me wrong, the performers were amazing, especially the martial art/ Tai Chi performers. I agreed with the TV hosts when they commend the difficulty on having 10 people to make a circle, and there are 2008 of them. In fact, they make a perfect circle, regardless how constant they need to change their location during their performance.


中國民族,文化,歴史,哲學... 盡在鳥巢,與國際交流,並薪火相存...

It makes me want to go to London for its opening ceremony in 2012, but at the same time I am worried that the British workers may continue their boycott... hmm... anyway...

"You and Me"

"One World One Dream"

Let's show your Olympics spirit!

Friday, August 1, 2008


It's almost 1 am, I am still 眼光光, so I am typing a few words here...



