Saturday, January 31, 2009

A little bit Glay...

... Craze

I was looking for videos on YouTube and I found Glay's recent concert.

Here is the year countdown to 2009 video on YouTube. Their performance was undoubtedly amazing, but I still like how they performed the song "I'm in Love" with 200,000 audience in the past.

Actually, I heard of the concert long long time ago, I guess six months before the opening of the concert. As soon as I learned about that, I started finding connections to get their tickets, but still I could not get any. Maybe I just got no luck on drawing. hah.

An old video from South Africa

African dung beetles

I took this video after almost running into a huge turtle in the middle of the road.

The ranger said they might have spent days, weeks, and even months, on rolling the dung ball and trying to push it into the bush.

A Long Day

I had a day off today, but I was up at 207th Street at 9 am.

With about 15 other passengers, I was on my way to upper Manhattan. Before the 200th St. stop, he and I were the only passenger remaining. He got off, and I was alone. I saw a big crowd leaving the train, so I thought it was quite a big station. I checked the subway map, making sure that there was one more stop to go. After five minutes, the train was still not moving. I took a peek of a look outside the train. I found no one. No announcement either. Next train was empty too. Now I realized that I was all by myself... without my cell phone. Two minutes passed. "Ding." The door finally closed. I got off in this unfamiliar neighborhood for the first time, but quickly found the right way to my destination.

I took another trip to lower Manhattan for another business. It was my third attempt for the same volunteering opportunities. It had been so dramatic every time I went there. For example, a fire drill occurred at 16 degree last time and I ended up getting a new camera. This time, I found out that the director was pretty mysterious after talking to the staff there. I did not get to see him. AGAIN! So I decided to totally give this up and find something else.

To relieve my anger, I found myself at Century 21, looking for a new bag... or bagSSS. Big one too. Nonetheless, I got nothing.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Being tag-ged

From Facebook...

16 random things:


2. 外表冷酷,但其實生性率直,感情豐富,愛笑易哭。

3. ,最愛burgundy。其次,綠。但家中最多的是黑色和白色

4. 妹一名 (有齊遠視、近視、散光和視力大鴛鴦,所以我好愛惜自己的「靈魂之窗」。)

5. 我很平凡。

6. 平日意行街睇戲食飯或在家看書同食共

7. 放假意去旅行,最想去歐洲和澳洲 。

8. 愛簡單、愛幻想、愛和平、愛觀察、愛攝影、愛玩樂、愛遊歷、愛創新。

9. 熱愛音樂。支持原創。

10. 爽。

11. 「十」。我 。行

12. 善忘。

13. 瑜伽初哥。

14. I am artsy not mathy.

15. 常答: “why not?”

16. 常問: “why?” For example, why do we have to write 16 random things about ourselves after being tagged. Not 12 or 17?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Things will get better soon



年初二,新貞頭的第一個工作天,Boss 給同事一道新鮮的「豉椒炒魷」。



Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy OxOx~


Friday, January 9, 2009

Refining a beautiful mind

Daniel Tammet

His numbers. His visual images.

My comprehension. My inspiration.

A series of unfortunate events have been happening to me lately, but my current reading Born on a Blue Day, is inspiring my soul.

Everyone needs a little bit inspiration.

I encourage you to read this book, his new book Embracing the Wide Sky, or click <here> for his interview with Scientific American.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.





Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 2009!

My New Year's resolutions:
Learn something new
Enjoy life more
Spend more time with family and friends
Take a trip (or more)
Read more
Keep fit
Eat right and cook more
Save up for good
Be more proactive and independent

How about yours?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008 Year-End Review



