Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hookah chaka?

November 17, 2007

We spent a warm dinner in a fast place restaurant called Kunjip Restaurant, which served authentic Korean cuisine. Looking through the glass window, it was PACKED! We received a menu when we were lining up outside the restaurant in the cold and had to place our order before sitting down. The appetizer is quickly served as soon as we sat down. Although Laura could not meet us for the dinner, we were thankful for her wonderful recommendation! Yeah for the seafood Bibimbob!

After that, we spent sometimes at a Hookah bar called Habibi Lounge in East Village. I have seen those hookah water pipes before, but never tried it. The lounge is adorned with overwhelmingly red color, from curtains to its Arabic lights. In addition to the up-beat music, I enjoyed to chill with my friends with a "Just Peachy" in hand there very much. In a nutshell, 「抽水煙是很新奇有趣的玩意」. The "Rose & Mint" favor is light and cool~ Later, the music got louder, and few of our friends joined us, but I could barely hear them.

Friday, November 16, 2007



要堅持還是放棄? 是選擇還是無從選擇? 這可不是一時一刻能作的決定。

每天忙碌過後、我都感到情緒低落, 或怕自己再支持不了... 我考慮了很久, 終於決定寫出來。

工作上, 毫不容易才獲得公司各人跟說一句 「I trust you」, 但突如奇來的人事變動令各人都飽受壓力。自己要處理的職務突然多了, 要負的責任亦大了, 受波士氣的機會卻又多了。有一次他記錯了某些數據,以為我掉了, 就對我破口大罵。十分鐘內, 他把小事化大, 我只能回應兩句作自辯。兩天後,他收到一張收據, 才發現我早已把數據整理及寄出, 就把它拿到我面前說: 「Oh... I received this letter ..this is what I made you do」在這件事上, 同事服佩我仍能笑着地面對。事實上, 就算工作再辛苦再累, 我都會臉帶微笑地回家。(等食嘛!)

但有時, 再次跟家人同住, 卻令我有一點不適應。可能我已經習慣了自己生活, 所以想要多一點私人空間。還是我早就厭倦了紐約的生活, 所以想搬家? 感情路上打了結? 無關係, 因為我相信要遇上的始終會遇上。

就這樣子, 起覆的心情持續了兩個星期。我寫出來, 並不是要您們替我擔心, 而是我想寫, 好想寫。我要走出這個框框, 去看看那清淅的畫面。比如說看看福山雅治在<<神探伽俐略>>中的「型仔」造型發呆也很有趣呢! 哈哈!

我想我的生活缺少了些甚麽... 也許是一個目標... 一個精神寄托...

朋友, 我感激您, 在沿途上相伴。

Monday, November 5, 2007

Lust, Caution


I first heard of the name Ang Lee as a director when the movie the Wedding Banquet was on. I also noticed his other movies such as Sense and Sensibility and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but I started admiring him after I saw the movie Brokeback Mountain. Plus, in the name of Eileen Chang, I longed to see the movie Lust, Caution for months. I was even about to devote a special blog entry on its first showing night. (well, I didn't. Not because I was not crazy enough, but I was lazy enough. Haha!)

On this Wednesday night, I finally watched it with my friend. With two coupons which her friend's friend got from purchasing Dior's cosmetic products, we got to the Landmark Sunshine Cinema, which was one of the two authorized theaters to show Lust, Caution in New York City, and found out that the theater did not accept the coupons. The cinema was small yet its tickets were not cheap. Nonetheless, we saw the movie.

I have to say "Bravo" for Mr. Lee's delicate portrayal of the main characters. The lighting contrast with a mirror vividly reveals the loneliness of characters. He creates many clue to the audience. For example, Mr. Yee's vision reveals suspicion and the misery of having lipstick on a cup. The powerful love-making scene further heightened the love and hate relationship. Lost and found. Internal conflict. It was stunning! Their conflict became more dramatic at the Jewelery shop. Was that real romance? I was truly moved!

Oh, just a note that the main character Wang Jiazhi speaks various languages like normal spies, but I overheard that some audiences were not very clear based on the subtitles because they did not know the variation of Chinese dialects.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Parade


Millions visitors attended a Halloween parade tonight. From Canal St. to 21st St., people in different costumes in hanging there. I was one of them, but I did not dress up. In fact, (我諗我放工嘅殘樣可以同嗰啲嘩鬼有得揮! 哈!)

The parade began in SOHO, where the blockade and countless visitors accumulated and hindered me from joining my friends. I was standing alone in a crowd, among them I am in between 一位貌似便衣嘅俊男, and a couple...

The parade was full of floating skeleton, flying bats, flying stuff like shoes, clocks, the weird Chinese traditional lion dance and vampires. It was a cold night, and I had a good time until I sneezed and started having a running nose. I decided to call of my night. On my way home, I met many interesting people, including a couple who cross-dressed in tuxedo and night gown. They looked cool in their costumes!