Monday, December 10, 2007
The Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Nanking Massacre
Today, various kinds of commemorations of the Nanking Massacre were held internationally. There was one at Union Square. I happened to "hop" in there for a few like other pedestrians.
The big banner with "The Nanking Massacre" is written in both Chinese (in big font) and English (in small font that you could not see unless you were right there), hanging across the Barnes and Nobles building at Union Square. The choirs and coordinators are in black uniforms, and some of them are holding black umbrellas. They are singing at the victims' pictures before them. The black-and-white pictures are on wooden tripods, all of which are arranged on top of a circle that has been previously painted on the ground, so that it looked like a group listening to the choir's prayer. Some of the pictures contain historical description related to the pictures. Each tripod carries a black plastic bag, which might contain the remain of the victims.
At the very same location, many Asians, mainly Chinese, are attending a serious ceremony about wartime cruelty, Americans were so festive, busy shopping for Christmas. New York is indeed culturally diverse.
A lifetime study
上文引用自: 專業攝影師 葉青霖 Alain Yip 於十二月八日發表的網誌
Monday, December 3, 2007
The New Museum
I visited the grand opening museum called New Museum of contemporary art with my parents regardless the poor weather. Well, we were not big fans of contemporary art, but we went there only because it was only a few blocks away and it was open 30 hours straight with free admission since yesterday.
Hmm... my first impression of the building was so the high ceiling in a white square room with slow elevators. We decided to walk up to the top... well... but soon enough, we figured that it was not a good idea. Also, it turned out that I was using their iMac at the education center on the fifth floor. The snowy scenery was pretty nice through the window there.
I liked the interior design of the building. Each floor was smaller than I thought, but the square set up and the white color, kinda like MoMA, created more space to the room. I also liked the stair that was narrow enough to fit one person between the fourth and third floor. There was a hidden corner from the other side for visitors to take pictures of others when they were walking down the stairs.
In terms of the exhibition, some scholars were busy taking notes of the exhibits, but I don't think I was sophisticated to understand the meaning of contemporary art from what they were made of, such as buttons, bottles, towels, mirrors, bicycle, etc. Well, I think I got the one about the chairs... hmm...
When I was walking down to the basement, the big words "Silence = Death" appeared in red fluorescent lighting. There were some world facts about energy, foundation and such, painted on the wall. When I saw "Stanley Ho Foundation," I was like is that 何鴻燊?
Anyway, it was a brief interesting experience for me since I was a novice of contemporary art. But still, I think I would go to learn more at Guggenheim Museum if they have free admission next time. ^.^P
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Hookah chaka?
We spent a warm dinner in a fast place restaurant called Kunjip Restaurant, which served authentic Korean cuisine. Looking through the glass window, it was PACKED! We received a menu when we were lining up outside the restaurant in the cold and had to place our order before sitting down. The appetizer is quickly served as soon as we sat down. Although Laura could not meet us for the dinner, we were thankful for her wonderful recommendation! Yeah for the seafood Bibimbob!
After that, we spent sometimes at a Hookah bar called Habibi Lounge in East Village. I have seen those hookah water pipes before, but never tried it. The lounge is adorned with overwhelmingly red color, from curtains to its Arabic lights. In addition to the up-beat music, I enjoyed to chill with my friends with a "Just Peachy" in hand there very much. In a nutshell, 「抽水煙是很新奇有趣的玩意」. The "Rose & Mint" favor is light and cool~ Later, the music got louder, and few of our friends joined us, but I could barely hear them.
Friday, November 16, 2007
要堅持還是放棄? 是選擇還是無從選擇? 這可不是一時一刻能作的決定。
每天忙碌過後、我都感到情緒低落, 或怕自己再支持不了... 我考慮了很久, 終於決定寫出來。
工作上, 毫不容易才獲得公司各人跟說一句 「I trust you」, 但突如奇來的人事變動令各人都飽受壓力。自己要處理的職務突然多了, 要負的責任亦大了, 受波士氣的機會卻又多了。有一次他記錯了某些數據,以為我掉了, 就對我破口大罵。十分鐘內, 他把小事化大, 我只能回應兩句作自辯。兩天後,他收到一張收據, 才發現我早已把數據整理及寄出, 就把它拿到我面前說: 「Oh... I received this letter ..this is what I made you do」在這件事上, 同事服佩我仍能笑着地面對。事實上, 就算工作再辛苦再累, 我都會臉帶微笑地回家。(等食嘛!)
但有時, 再次跟家人同住, 卻令我有一點不適應。可能我已經習慣了自己生活, 所以想要多一點私人空間。還是我早就厭倦了紐約的生活, 所以想搬家? 感情路上打了結? 無關係, 因為我相信要遇上的始終會遇上。
就這樣子, 起覆的心情持續了兩個星期。我寫出來, 並不是要您們替我擔心, 而是我想寫, 好想寫。我要走出這個框框, 去看看那清淅的畫面。比如說看看福山雅治在<<神探伽俐略>>中的「型仔」造型發呆也很有趣呢! 哈哈!
我想我的生活缺少了些甚麽... 也許是一個目標... 一個精神寄托...
朋友, 我感激您, 在沿途上相伴。
Monday, November 5, 2007
Lust, Caution
I first heard of the name Ang Lee as a director when the movie the Wedding Banquet was on. I also noticed his other movies such as Sense and Sensibility and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but I started admiring him after I saw the movie Brokeback Mountain. Plus, in the name of Eileen Chang, I longed to see the movie Lust, Caution for months. I was even about to devote a special blog entry on its first showing night. (well, I didn't. Not because I was not crazy enough, but I was lazy enough. Haha!)
On this Wednesday night, I finally watched it with my friend. With two coupons which her friend's friend got from purchasing Dior's cosmetic products, we got to the Landmark Sunshine Cinema, which was one of the two authorized theaters to show Lust, Caution in New York City, and found out that the theater did not accept the coupons. The cinema was small yet its tickets were not cheap. Nonetheless, we saw the movie.
I have to say "Bravo" for Mr. Lee's delicate portrayal of the main characters. The lighting contrast with a mirror vividly reveals the loneliness of characters. He creates many clue to the audience. For example, Mr. Yee's vision reveals suspicion and the misery of having lipstick on a cup. The powerful love-making scene further heightened the love and hate relationship. Lost and found. Internal conflict. It was stunning! Their conflict became more dramatic at the Jewelery shop. Was that real romance? I was truly moved!
Oh, just a note that the main character Wang Jiazhi speaks various languages like normal spies, but I overheard that some audiences were not very clear based on the subtitles because they did not know the variation of Chinese dialects.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween Parade
Millions visitors attended a Halloween parade tonight. From Canal St. to 21st St., people in different costumes in hanging there. I was one of them, but I did not dress up. In fact, (我諗我放工嘅殘樣可以同嗰啲嘩鬼有得揮! 哈!)
The parade began in SOHO, where the blockade and countless visitors accumulated and hindered me from joining my friends. I was standing alone in a crowd, among them I am in between 一位貌似便衣嘅俊男, and a couple...
The parade was full of floating skeleton, flying bats, flying stuff like shoes, clocks, the weird Chinese traditional lion dance and vampires. It was a cold night, and I had a good time until I sneezed and started having a running nose. I decided to call of my night. On my way home, I met many interesting people, including a couple who cross-dressed in tuxedo and night gown. They looked cool in their costumes!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Another kind of Stock Exchange
One word, "Wow!"
After watching my brother playing it for one day, the table does make sense and the system looks well-organized. I knew about other similar games, but, interestingly, this one does look like a stock exchange market and has largely improved in comparison to the old one. Americans do take sport seriously!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Special entry about my birthday
Thank you for your wishes, cakes, presents... Hug* Hug*
I woke up with a mosquito bite on my face and this 「殘酷一叮」 stayed with my all day.
Also, in spite of the rain... The weather forecast announced a "100% T-Storm with heavy rain tonight." I was like... 100%??? what a luck! Indeed, it rained heavily. =_="
but then, this morning, I was awaken by a phone call for my dad at 6:20 am. Yes, on a Saturday that I was lucky to be off and supposedly to be sleeping until much later. Anyway, here I am, typing a new entry because I can't return to my sweet dream.
Anyway, sorry for the late update due to my laziness. Just to answer some of your common questions about my work. I have been working in a dental office as a so-called office manager. I am actually working like an AA + research assistant... hmm... just like 「打雜」, with 7 co-workers. The duration of this job is up to me, but I would say for 6-month to a year. We will see.
Next, my high school buddies and I finally settled our trip to Las Vegas this December. Yay! Anyone is seeking travel buddy to anywhere? Let me know, I might be interested. (You know me!)
Be well to all.
With love.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Happy 25 years of...
Walking in a road of 25 years with the same person requires a lot a lot of mutual support and communication. Recently, I was reading a news article about not many marriages can last longer than 25 years. My parents made it through! Clap! Clap! haha! In fact, they don't seem care, or think this is a big deal. Well, I got them some sweet, but not much appreciation in return... as usual.
Anyway, this year is special more than just special 25 years, but this is also the first year that my family gathered to celebrate since I moved to the US. Sweet! By the way, I believe that my parents have a potential to become those old married couple with pure hearts in the future. Look at them, so amusing and joyful, haha. wink.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Casio W52CA
My eyes are sparkling... (cough, cough...) looking at the Corail Green one all day...
Chic tech <3
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Survivor: China
The reality show is on. Did you watch the first episode of this season? Though I am not a big fan of it, this one seems interesting.
To be honest, I don't know much about Chinese tribal tradition. For those who do not know anything about Chinese culture, the culture shock can be harsh.
Each team was given a copy of Sun Tzu's The Art of War, just like at West Point. The book is like a Chinese Bible of military tactics. A highly recommended masterpiece!
Everything seems tribal on the TV, but I hope the show can still deliver a positive messages to millions of Americans, rather than reinforces existing stereotype.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Recent life in a nutshell
experienced a potential medical threat with my family. Everything has been resolved. What a relief!
finished watching the Japanese drama, 花ざかりの君たちへ. =)
got all tutorials done. Yay!
eating moon cakes... and soba at Soba-ya, Yum!
I also finished reading some books, including Oracle Bones by Peter Hessler. =)
Reading is more enjoyable when it is not a requirement for your class. Ne~
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Hanging in NY
Friday, August 31, 2007
Small world
Yesterday, one of my co-workers told me that she saw one of her relatives was having an affair at a subway station. Her relative is married and has a 12-year old daughter. When that happened, they both saw each other, but the relative felt embarrassed and turned around. My co-worker was so furious about this. The world is so small.
Today, I was on my way home after shopping at a Japanese supermarket in Soho. When I was on Broadway, a man ran into me. He was the new young history professor of my college. I was enrolled in two of his classes last year. I know he lives in NYC, but it's freaky to find out that your professor is living only few blocks away from where I live. Oh my gosh! The world is so small.
Oh...he asked me if there were many Muslims living in Malaysia.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Labour day without labouring yourself
How about hiking? hmm... I wish there was a hill in the middle of the Central Park.
or can we dive in a lake?
How about U.S. Open?
Wanna join me to go to an amusement park?
This is out of the blue, but I am thinking of the "Hou Hou Shu" sparkling sake... hah!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Work Week
Monday: Unwilling to work
Tuesday: Tired
Wednesday: Exhausted (the worst day of the week)
Friday: Day off for me, but I think most other workers will look at the clock, hoping it to turn 5.
Saturday: Work Day--> hope it's over soon
Day off--> My precious weekend!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Hurricane Dean
please don't hit Belize where I had a wonderful scuba diving time at.
From a sincere prayer ^.^*
Sunday, August 19, 2007
A lesson from a Japanese drama
In reality, we only live once. We do not get second chance to express feeling to those who we really care about.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Commuters, I admire you.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Hot Air Balloon Fiesta
Here are some pictures:
I look small! hah!
We arrived at someone's backyard.
由於近日遇到不少壓力,所以很累,網誌也少了更新,但我仍想做到報喜不報憂! 希望您們會支持我! ^.^*
Saturday, August 11, 2007
A Life of Indulgence: appreciation of food
Tonight, we went to Kyotofu, a small Japanese café that mainly serves dessert. If you have not been to this place, you may not realize it for its missing signage. I am not going to advertise this restaurant, but good restaurants usually don’t have one, hah! Hmm...this place is good for girl talks <3
Oh, anyone is interested in having an extravagant meal at the Ninja Restaurant?
Monday, August 6, 2007
Coney Island
We arrived around noon. Our first impression of the Deno's Wonder Wheel amusement park was old and small. We got into a swinging wheel cage and drove bumper cars. Before moving onto the Astorland, we ordered a snack for lunch. The funnel cake was awesome!!!
We were approaching to our destination--the Astorland Cyclone roller coaster. There was a line of exciting "passengers." When we were waiting, we noticed a sign saying "Ride Again $4.00." It was a good deal since the first ride costs $6.00 and you got to pick the best seat for your second ride. When it comes to our turn, we got to sit in the front. The first time in my life to sit in the front row of a roller coaster! Awesome!!!
The ride was great. My body was not touching the seat most of the time. I should say, it was out of control, but fun! After we got of the ride, the guy who was in the bag storage section said if we wanted to ride again, he would give us a personal deal for $3.00. It was tempting, but I did not do it. Well... maybe I should have accepted the deal. haha. Anyway, the picture of us taken on the ride marked our special first-time-SCREAM! haha.
One of my friends and I had a pirate ride after this. Since there were only five people on the boat, the ride was pretty quite though we kept our hands up most of the time. haha.
It was time to spend some time on the beach. Sunshire, I like sunshire (though it was 92 degree)! Hours later, we had an afternoon tea at 「港飲港食」, a new Hong Kong style tea cafe in Chinatown and a dinner at Lombardi's Restaurant. After a lovely chat, we had a nice walk.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
China: "We Are Ready" for the Beijing Olympics 2008
Saturday, August 4, 2007
"Celebrity Jeopardy!"
Friday, August 3, 2007
"Failure of Infrastructure" again?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sport & Politics
After the arrival of David Beckham, more soccer news began to appear on the front page of the U.S. newspapers (Sport section). While I am waiting to see the growing popularity of soccer here, I am looking into some sport crazes. For example, the Iraqi National Soccer Team just won its first Asian Cup on Sunday. The Iraqi celebrated the victory by firing at the sky. I don't think those who were unintentionally injured enjoyed the celebration. In fact, I see their national pride and excitement. Hm... perhaps the U.S. team should play against the Iraqi on a soccer field rather than a battlefield.
Olympics & Politics
Steven Spielberg considers quiting his position as artistic adviser to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. I don't exact know what that position means since I only admire Spielberg as a director, but I am surprised to hear that he is quitting for political reasons. Critics argue that it has not done enough to against Sudan over Darfur due to the oil trade. Meanwhile, a group of "Free Tibet" protesters are urging the Chinese government to set Tibet free. Well...too much politics... I wanna enjoy the show. Just that simple.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Living in Manhattan: an exiciting adventure
Original plan:
whole day in midtown Manhattan
lunch--> movie by 3pm--> hanging out and Korean barbecue dinner
but what actually happened was a big surprise.
Yesterday my friend picked me and my another friend up to have a lovely lunch in Oms/b, a Japanese riceball cafe in midtown. The weather was perfect, and our lunch was good. However, soon enough, a car accident marked the beginning of our "bad-luck" day-out. At lunch, we were planning to see the movie Hairspray in AMC on either 42rd St, or 34st St, but we decided to have a short trip to drive pass the UN building on the 40th St on the way to the theater. When we arrived at the exit of the Manhattan/ FDR Tunnel, we needed to merge to the left side of the lanes. When we were slowly changing lanes, a taxi came in an extremely fast speed and hit the left side of our car. None of us got hurt, but the crash caused damage to the car and its front door. We slowly parked the car behind the taxi, after the taxi driver had dropped out the passengers. When we were negotiating with the driver, whom argued that WE tried to turn at the corner, and hit his car. He also criticized my friend (the driver) as someone from the West, and yelled at us. He got out, walked toward our car, and kicked at the damaged part of the car (I will not forget his car's number and his face!).
The taxi driver's friend came along and he told him the same thing. The police came and interviewed two drivers. Police Officer simply asked us, "What happened?" My friend answered and I added one or two sentences. I did not know if that was detailed enough for the interview since the taxi driver seemed to have much more to say (in order to get out of the charge!). After the police and the taxi were gone, my friend took some pictures of his car. Before my friend started the car, he needed to fix the front part of the tire because the damage had caused the steel touching the tire.
It was already 3pm, so we had an alternative plan to go to Times Squares to visit The Funny Store, which was a historical store for interesting products and would be closing in two weeks. We were looking for a parking spot, but we ended up in Hoboken, NJ.
We decided to see a movie in one of the closest theaters there, so we asked the direction at a HESS gas station. In fact, someone gave us a direction to Barnes and Nobles. Perhaps he thought we were going to buy a copy of Harry Potter.
So... we made up our mind to Queens. Unfortunately, the traffic was really bad. We finally arrived at Queens and decided to see the movie Transformer at 5:45pm. I brought three tickets with credit, but my friend did not know I got them, and brought one for himself. So... we refunded the extra ticket; and I believe it was our first time to refund a movie ticket. After that, we had a Vietnamese dinner and a drink in Sago.
It was an amazing 12-hour adventure, wasn't it?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Uneasy Wednesday for New Yorkers
This evening at 5:57pm, a stream pipe installed in 1924, explored and caused panic to thousands of people on the East side of Mid-town. The good news was that such explosion was not related to terrorism. The bad news was, at least for me, that regular broadcasting programs were suspended for hours due to the breaking news.
Cultural Immersion
Remember: "duck and cover"
When I think of natural disasters, like earthquakes, I cannot neglect mentioning Japan. This week, I was shocked to hear that serve earthquakes occurred in Niigata, Japan. When I was there 3 years ago, I enjoyed it very much as if I was living in the Doraemon area, so peaceful and friendly.
Among other countries which suffered from natural disasters, Japanese's socio-economic development is perhaps superior. However, when I think of this video, I realize that I cannot fully comprehend Japanese culture.
I learned about this Yatta video last summer. The Japanese school had a Karaoke party and we all needed to pick a song. Someone in my class suggested to sing this, but the principal rejected it.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Sunshine after the rain
I am still awake because of two cups of hot tea.
By the way, Chinese typing, particularly the Cangjie input, is more complicated than I thought.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Happy 4th of July
Oh, I just finished reading the Da Vinci Code, which I brought last year but did not have time for it until lately. You've gotta read it! (This novel is one of the few works that made me thirsty for books)
P.S. I opened this blog to keep you inform, esp. where I am hiding. Miss you all.