Millions visitors attended a Halloween parade tonight. From Canal St. to 21st St., people in different costumes in hanging there. I was one of them, but I did not dress up. In fact, (我諗我放工嘅殘樣可以同嗰啲嘩鬼有得揮! 哈!)
The parade began in SOHO, where the blockade and countless visitors accumulated and hindered me from joining my friends. I was standing alone in a crowd, among them I am in between 一位貌似便衣嘅俊男, and a couple...
The parade was full of floating skeleton, flying bats, flying stuff like shoes, clocks, the weird Chinese traditional lion dance and vampires. It was a cold night, and I had a good time until I sneezed and started having a running nose. I decided to call of my night. On my way home, I met many interesting people, including a couple who cross-dressed in tuxedo and night gown. They looked cool in their costumes!