Thursday, July 19, 2007

Cultural Immersion

This Monday, I was watching NBC special featuring Victoria Beckham's arrival in the United States. It was fun to see her new posh lifestyle in L.A. and her neighbors on a reality TV show, but what drew my attention was the arrival of an earthquake specialist in her house. He came to make Victoria and her crew experience an "artificial" earthquakes.

Remember: "duck and cover"

When I think of natural disasters, like earthquakes, I cannot neglect mentioning Japan. This week, I was shocked to hear that serve earthquakes occurred in Niigata, Japan. When I was there 3 years ago, I enjoyed it very much as if I was living in the Doraemon area, so peaceful and friendly.

Among other countries which suffered from natural disasters, Japanese's socio-economic development is perhaps superior. However, when I think of this video, I realize that I cannot fully comprehend Japanese culture.


I learned about this Yatta video last summer. The Japanese school had a Karaoke party and we all needed to pick a song. Someone in my class suggested to sing this, but the principal rejected it.