We arrived around noon. Our first impression of the Deno's Wonder Wheel amusement park was old and small. We got into a swinging wheel cage and drove bumper cars. Before moving onto the Astorland, we ordered a snack for lunch. The funnel cake was awesome!!!
We were approaching to our destination--the Astorland Cyclone roller coaster. There was a line of exciting "passengers." When we were waiting, we noticed a sign saying "Ride Again $4.00." It was a good deal since the first ride costs $6.00 and you got to pick the best seat for your second ride. When it comes to our turn, we got to sit in the front. The first time in my life to sit in the front row of a roller coaster! Awesome!!!
The ride was great. My body was not touching the seat most of the time. I should say, it was out of control, but fun! After we got of the ride, the guy who was in the bag storage section said if we wanted to ride again, he would give us a personal deal for $3.00. It was tempting, but I did not do it. Well... maybe I should have accepted the deal. haha. Anyway, the picture of us taken on the ride marked our special first-time-SCREAM! haha.
One of my friends and I had a pirate ride after this. Since there were only five people on the boat, the ride was pretty quite though we kept our hands up most of the time. haha.
It was time to spend some time on the beach. Sunshire, I like sunshire (though it was 92 degree)! Hours later, we had an afternoon tea at 「港飲港食」, a new Hong Kong style tea cafe in Chinatown and a dinner at Lombardi's Restaurant. After a lovely chat, we had a nice walk.