如此慢,只怪自己早前休息期間,生活 Wii 嘩,之後又貪吃「糖蓮子」之過。哈哈!
Turkey Weekend
I was not one of those early birds on Friday, but I went to Staples on Saturday night and I found no line, no customer store. A prolonged big sale continued on Monday. Did you purchase anything on this "Cyber Monday" or just to be a spectator on "Buy[ing] Nothing" ?
From Ads to Marketing Critique
I don't appreciate junk mails, so I rarely give out my e-mail or mailing address to retail stores. However, they can always find ways to surprise me. Today, when I opened the mailbox, there came with some early and unexpected holiday greetings. First, I got a Hallmark Christmas card from AT&T. Addressed to "current resident" sending from an address with a missing name of the sender, I knew it was a marketing product. Similar envelopes were already in the garbage can next to the mailbox, but I didn't ignore mine. I took "it" home. I opened the envelope and found a nice Christmas card and a service promotion card. Okay... a pretty wasteful garbage (an envelope + a card + a promotion card = Not green. Not convincing.) I also got a "Christmas card" from Walmart. Without an envelop, this card has a cute Walmart Santa Claus to introduce a $5 gift card on the front. I found warm greetings and the gift card inside.
The same "Christmas greetings"... but it looks like Walmart 的市場推廣技倆尤勝一籌 in my opinion.
It takes time to realize... It's about time, or is it?