I had a day off today, but I was up at 207th Street at 9 am.
With about 15 other passengers, I was on my way to upper Manhattan. Before the 200th St. stop, he and I were the only passenger remaining. He got off, and I was alone. I saw a big crowd leaving the train, so I thought it was quite a big station. I checked the subway map, making sure that there was one more stop to go. After five minutes, the train was still not moving. I took a peek of a look outside the train. I found no one. No announcement either. Next train was empty too. Now I realized that I was all by myself... without my cell phone. Two minutes passed. "Ding." The door finally closed. I got off in this unfamiliar neighborhood for the first time, but quickly found the right way to my destination.
I took another trip to lower Manhattan for another business. It was my third attempt for the same volunteering opportunities. It had been so dramatic every time I went there. For example, a fire drill occurred at 16 degree last time and I ended up getting a new camera. This time, I found out that the director was pretty mysterious after talking to the staff there. I did not get to see him. AGAIN! So I decided to totally give this up and find something else.
To relieve my anger, I found myself at Century 21, looking for a new bag... or bagSSS. Big one too. Nonetheless, I got nothing.