Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sport & Politics

Soccer Fever in Iraq
After the arrival of David Beckham, more soccer news began to appear on the front page of the U.S. newspapers (Sport section). While I am waiting to see the growing popularity of soccer here, I am looking into some sport crazes. For example, the Iraqi National Soccer Team just won its first Asian Cup on Sunday. The Iraqi celebrated the victory by firing at the sky. I don't think those who were unintentionally injured enjoyed the celebration. In fact, I see their national pride and excitement. Hm... perhaps the U.S. team should play against the Iraqi on a soccer field rather than a battlefield.

Olympics & Politics
Steven Spielberg considers quiting his position as artistic adviser to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. I don't exact know what that position means since I only admire Spielberg as a director, but I am surprised to hear that he is quitting for political reasons. Critics argue that it has not done enough to against Sudan over Darfur due to the oil trade. Meanwhile, a group of "Free Tibet" protesters are urging the Chinese government to set Tibet free. Well...too much politics... I wanna enjoy the show. Just that simple.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Living in Manhattan: an exiciting adventure

Yesterday was amazingly memorable.
Original plan:
whole day in midtown Manhattan
lunch--> movie by 3pm--> hanging out and Korean barbecue dinner

but what actually happened was a big surprise.

Yesterday my friend picked me and my another friend up to have a lovely lunch in Oms/b, a Japanese riceball cafe in midtown. The weather was perfect, and our lunch was good. However, soon enough, a car accident marked the beginning of our "bad-luck" day-out. At lunch, we were planning to see the movie Hairspray in AMC on either 42rd St, or 34st St, but we decided to have a short trip to drive pass the UN building on the 40th St on the way to the theater. When we arrived at the exit of the Manhattan/ FDR Tunnel, we needed to merge to the left side of the lanes. When we were slowly changing lanes, a taxi came in an extremely fast speed and hit the left side of our car. None of us got hurt, but the crash caused damage to the car and its front door. We slowly parked the car behind the taxi, after the taxi driver had dropped out the passengers. When we were negotiating with the driver, whom argued that WE tried to turn at the corner, and hit his car. He also criticized my friend (the driver) as someone from the West, and yelled at us. He got out, walked toward our car, and kicked at the damaged part of the car (I will not forget his car's number and his face!).

The taxi driver's friend came along and he told him the same thing. The police came and interviewed two drivers. Police Officer simply asked us, "What happened?" My friend answered and I added one or two sentences. I did not know if that was detailed enough for the interview since the taxi driver seemed to have much more to say (in order to get out of the charge!). After the police and the taxi were gone, my friend took some pictures of his car. Before my friend started the car, he needed to fix the front part of the tire because the damage had caused the steel touching the tire.

It was already 3pm, so we had an alternative plan to go to Times Squares to visit The Funny Store, which was a historical store for interesting products and would be closing in two weeks. We were looking for a parking spot, but we ended up in Hoboken, NJ.

We decided to see a movie in one of the closest theaters there, so we asked the direction at a HESS gas station. In fact, someone gave us a direction to Barnes and Nobles. Perhaps he thought we were going to buy a copy of Harry Potter.

So... we made up our mind to Queens. Unfortunately, the traffic was really bad. We finally arrived at Queens and decided to see the movie Transformer at 5:45pm. I brought three tickets with credit, but my friend did not know I got them, and brought one for himself. So... we refunded the extra ticket; and I believe it was our first time to refund a movie ticket. After that, we had a Vietnamese dinner and a drink in Sago.

It was an amazing 12-hour adventure, wasn't it?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Uneasy Wednesday for New Yorkers

Speaking of earthquakes, I thought I had experienced earthquakes this morning. A series of thunderstorms hit New York and caused heavy rains pouring early in the morning. Winds were powerful to shake my little apartment and woke me up.

This evening at 5:57pm, a stream pipe installed in 1924, explored and caused panic to thousands of people on the East side of Mid-town. The good news was that such explosion was not related to terrorism. The bad news was, at least for me, that regular broadcasting programs were suspended for hours due to the breaking news.

Cultural Immersion

This Monday, I was watching NBC special featuring Victoria Beckham's arrival in the United States. It was fun to see her new posh lifestyle in L.A. and her neighbors on a reality TV show, but what drew my attention was the arrival of an earthquake specialist in her house. He came to make Victoria and her crew experience an "artificial" earthquakes.

Remember: "duck and cover"

When I think of natural disasters, like earthquakes, I cannot neglect mentioning Japan. This week, I was shocked to hear that serve earthquakes occurred in Niigata, Japan. When I was there 3 years ago, I enjoyed it very much as if I was living in the Doraemon area, so peaceful and friendly.

Among other countries which suffered from natural disasters, Japanese's socio-economic development is perhaps superior. However, when I think of this video, I realize that I cannot fully comprehend Japanese culture.


I learned about this Yatta video last summer. The Japanese school had a Karaoke party and we all needed to pick a song. Someone in my class suggested to sing this, but the principal rejected it.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sunshine after the rain

It has been hot and humid for days. Finally, it rains. This weather can explain my miserable mood for today. A day of change.

I am still awake because of two cups of hot tea.

By the way, Chinese typing, particularly the Cangjie input, is more complicated than I thought.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th of July

I have seen many real fireworks in the past few years, but the most intriguing one happened four years ago. Today, I was watching the fireworks on tv, while hearing the echoes of its noises coming through my tiny apartment.

Oh, I just finished reading the Da Vinci Code, which I brought last year but did not have time for it until lately. You've gotta read it! (This novel is one of the few works that made me thirsty for books)

P.S. I opened this blog to keep you inform, esp. where I am hiding. Miss you all.
