Saturday, March 20, 2010

Skipping March Madness

Things I got from HK:
  • Pilot Frixion Point Pens (erasable ball pens. not sure it this innovation is all that fantastic... but... yay for 原子筆擦得甩的年代) I found them out long time ago, but never had I thought of getting such expensive pens from specialty stores. However, they were available in many bookstore in HK. I brought two (purple & pink) as they were on sale.
  • Some books (nostalgia I guess. I've almost finished reading them... perhaps I should have gotten more)
  • Some accessories (I am a girl after all)
Things I am already missing about Asia:
  • People
  • Food: Mangoes (It was the mango season so I could finally have some soft, tender, sweet & yellow 呂宋芒); black sesame items; Haagen Dazs (more flavors)
  • RTHK and Now TV shows
  • Horses @ HKJC: I enjoy watching them walking in circles.
Albums (If you are interested, please click links below as I can't upload them to FB)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Recall this Chinese New Year

GOOG/ FB out of control? or were they just not friendly to me. Perhaps it was solely my server's problem... o well.. here I am again. Up in the middle of the night probably resulting from tea consumption (I might have drunk too much green tea, you know, it's pretty "cold" from a Chinese point of view, so I have a headache yet can't sleep.)

Lunar calendar:
28th (Feb 11th) : cleaning day
29th (Feb 12th) : bowling & long adventure; union dinner
30th (Feb 13th) : (temperature dropped. for me, sick 'n' cold day) 臥病在床。
1st (Feb 14th) : Happy New Year of the Year of the Tiger & Happy St. Valentine's Day ::: 38 years later, Chinese New Year and Saint Valentine's Day will fall on the same day again. How romantic?! ::: long day of 拜年
2nd (Feb 15th) : 拜年:親戚拜訪
3rd (Feb 16th) : Sha Tin


The cold weather lasted for 10 days. Exactly ten days during Chinese New Year. How amazing!
After that, warm and humid. The day before I returned to the States, Spring rain arrived.

Rumor says I am gonna have a bitter year 「苦年」in the year of the Tiger 「虎年」
Let see how it will turn out...


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Hurray Day!

Happy White Valentine's Day!

Happy Pi Day! (Thanks to Google's special "reminder" and thanks to Wiki so now I learned to recite 3.14159265358)

Happy Saint Patty's Day's weekend! (I am not Irish, but Let' put on some green before rabbits hop over)

Anyone read the WSJ yesterday? Half of the page was printed upside down and I found it very amusing.

Anyone watched the new TV drama series the Pacific on HBO? I just enjoyed Band of Brothers so much that I don't think you should miss this one.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

More time to decompress

Flying again.
Flying again?
Flying again!

To be honest, I am tired.

Back from Hong Kong, jet-lagged and totally exhausted. Although I was able to sleep on 3 consecutive seats on the flight, I might have been flying too frequent in such a short period of time.

Few people have heard of my crazy experience on this adventure. Things could have been a lot worse... perhaps I need to have a travel buddy next time. hah. Nonetheless, the trip was fun and memorable. I will return to Southeast Asia more for sure. Next time, I will explore the countryside.

My amazing story... uh... you know what. Let me tell you in person, I might have practiced enough that made you think I have become a professional storyteller.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Survivor Story in Vietnam



難忘的幾小時。每一步都有如置身在電影中,每一幕都很刺激。您有看過德國電影Run Lola Run嗎?我的版本中文應該可翻譯為「跑呀!阿晴!跑快D呀!」

